Sunday, July 03, 2005

(R) ADF - Personal Jots, Personal Jolts

24 June 2005

“You’re choosing a seat, not a spouse”

Budget airline SouthWest charged USD200++ for a 7-hour flight with one transit. In-flight entertainment provided - by the pilot. Some of the corny standard in-flight lines were:

“You’re choosing a seat, not a spouse” = Hurry up and be seated (free seating)

"Now don’t be naughty and smoke in the potty” = Please do not smoke in the restroom

"If you look out your right window, you'll see Albuqurque" = You don't know your geography dumbass....

No meals served.

CostCo Chicken and the Embarrassed American

One other Fellow arrived on the 24th. Had dinner with him at his apartment (next door to mine). Being clueless and carless, he took pity on me and invited me to share his dinner.

So over CostCo chicken, salad and bread, we discussed Bush, Vietnam War, Bush, dance writing, Bush, Malaysia, Bush, Christianity and gay rights, and Bush.

“It’s a bad time to be American,” he said, attacking the drumstick. “When I travel, I tell people that I’m Canadian.”

“Do Malaysians hate Americans?” he asked.

“Err…,” I stammered, thinking of how to be polite, “well, not all Malaysians. Perhaps some of us dislike certain Americans more than others.”

Oh well. Welcome to Durham Break-a-Leg ;)

The Embarrassed American Poll:

The most popular question: “Do Malaysians hate Americans?” 1

The most popular statement: “I tell people I’m Canadian when I travel” 1

25 June 2005

My Apartment-mate - Also a Blogger!

All Fellows arrived by today (25th June). My apartment-mate is also a blogger! She’s the only dance blogger in Texas. I told her that I’m the only dance blogger in the whole of Malaysia!

Over welcome dinner at Charles Reinhart's home, I met the other Fellows for the first time.

The Embarrassed American Poll to date:

The most popular question: “Do Malaysians hate Americans?” 3

The most popular statement: “I tell people I’m Canadian when I travel” 2

3 July 2005

Save the Planet - Kill Yourself (Church of Euthanasia)

Went to watch a performance by John Jasper entitled "Some United States".

The performance was all about breaking down the socio-economic manifestation in tiered theatre ticketing. During the performance, the audience were made to walk around the performers - there is no class or status. The dancers also read out loud all sorts of manifestos during the performance.

Over Tapas, someone asked, "Did anyone hear if the SCUM manifesto was read out?"

"The what manifesto?" I asked.

"Oh, you will love it," another said. SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto by Valerie Solanas.

Ah...the cool things I learn at ADF ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Penang Fried Kuay Teow still taste heavenly with beaten egg, cockles and chilli. Do they do that over there? :)