On 1 June 2010, Kazuo OHNO, co-founder of Butoh passed away at the age of 103. His work has inspired several generations of artists and audience alike. After his passing the global Butoh community mourned wondering what to do, what was the future for Butoh. Many felt as though something should be done to honour his gift to this life. So, on 21 August 2010, Democrazy Theatre Studio, Butoh Co-Op presented a Kazuo OHNO Tribute performance and a workshop entitled “The Body in Time and Space” by international artists to honour their sensai.
The artists wereJoao Roberto de Souza(Brazil), Terry Hatfield (USA), and Ampinee Suwunsawet (Thailand). There will be another series in December featuring artists Michael Sakamoto (USA) and Rocio Fernandez Fraile (Spain).
"Every time we say goodbye
I die a little
Every time we say goodbye
I wonder why a little
Why the Gods above me
Who must be in the know
Think so little of me
They allow you to go..."
(Cole Porter)